Sunday before last, we had family photos taken. To get a Christmas card photo yes, but mainly because Joseph was 18 months old when we took the last ones. I wanted good shots of the four of us. But I was also eager to get photos of the kids at these ages, since these ages are the best ever!
We did two different outfits/settings for the photos – one kinda formal and the other more casual attire. I just got the disc from the photographer last night and am so happy with how they turned out. Our friend, Adrienne, does a great job capturing the children’s personalities and just how the four of us are – happy and so full of love.
I’m including some of the casual ones here. {I’ll choose from the others for our Christmas card and post some of those later. Don’t want to ruin the surprise!}
That last one kills me! Big sister kissing little brother as she loves to do…and his face!
As a side note, Hannah’s two front teeth are loose. Having scheduled the photo shoot over a month out, I was nervous about her losing them. I really wanted one more professional picture of her with her sweet baby-tooth smile, before she seriously started looking too old.
While I’m talking about too old, Hannah also had her six-year well check. She has GROWN. I mean, obviously she has grown, but she has grown a lot. While the yearly average growth in height is 2-2.5″ she grew 4″! This explains why almost none of her clothes from last fall fit, even those I thought I ordered a size up.
I am loving these post-toddler-but-still-young-cute-and-fun years. My non-baby babies are full of imagination and wonder. They are truly their own little beings with huge personalities, and I am thoroughly enjoying time with them at these ages.
Now, let me be real, not all days are great. Obviously. Some are bad. Some are hard. And some are just plain miserable and full of the wrong kind of whine. But generally speaking, days are really good.
Family time at home is the best.
Happiness is found in the little things.
Life really is great.
I have learned that joy is a decision. Not all times are fun or happy, but you can decide to choose to be joyful regardless of your circumstances. Joy is something you have deep down inside. It’s part of your character. Contentment is something you have to practice, and it is something I pray about every day. Strength. Courage. Determination. Not looking to the left or right, but looking UP. Good thing His mercies are new every morning!
Keeping our focus on our Savior has a way of reinforcing priorities, helping us recognize His grace and our blessings, and filling us with peace and love. Love in our home and family, and love for others. I have found that when I take the time to honor God in my day, things are just better.
My biggest desire is to please God, to fulfill the purposes He has for me. I want to keep Him at the center of our marriage, the center of our home. And I want to be a good example for Hannah and Joseph. I want them to love Jesus.
I know this is way more profound than just a post of our recent family photos. I guess just seeing pictures of us reminds me how blessed we are and how truly good my life is. These ages are so much fun…but they are also formative years. Children are little sponges, soaking it all in.
As the days pass quickly by, I find that I’m the one trying to soak it all in.
Love these pictures and love this post!!!