Christmas Day we barely left our pajamas. It was a slower paced day, celebrating Jesus’ birth, talking to family, and playing with new toys. Santa brought a camping tent to two very unsuspecting children. I put new sleeping bags from Granddaddy and a lantern inside. Joe added strings of white Christmas lights around the outside. They loved it.
…And didn’t want to come out!
Hannah, received American Girl matching doll/girl outfits. Joseph received boy things like a crane truck, a bolt-action toy rifle…and a standing broom/dustpan combo. {Remember, last year was the stick vacuum and wet floor sign. Yep, he’s still into cleaning supplies.} They both got Aladdin pajamas honoring our NYC trip and seeing the musical on Broadway, and mini Christopher Radko nutcracker ornaments.
I decreased the amount of presents the kids opened this year. Joe and I gave them each four, then they gave one to each other. Hannah gave Joseph a nice snow globe and he gave her an American Girl chair that attaches to the table so her doll, Maddalena, can sit with us.
Hannah and Joseph are funny about their gifts. They relish each one and, in the case of Joseph, wants to take each item out and play with it before moving on. The present-opening process went on for a while, even with the fewer number.
I had presents wrapped and under both big trees and used paper I bought through the kids’ school fundraiser or at TJ Maxx. As usual, I have a theme or color scheme I go with. 🙂
We had eggs and cinnamon rolls for breakfast, singing and blowing out a birthday candle for baby Jesus, then we gave Mollie her presents.
Joseph picked out a treat/bone and Hannah picked out a new collar. They both helped me wrap the gifts and were very excited to open them with Mollie, and give her the new bed.
A few gifts my hubby gave me: a leather bag, arrowhead necklace and a shirt from my favorite show, Fixer Upper. He did very well.
It was a wonderful morning, playing with toys and just being together…of course with Christmas music or movies playing all the while.
Joe was happy about his haul, receiving race-related gifts among a few smaller things. His favorite present might have been the yo-yo I put in his stocking. He can still do a pretty darn good job playing with it, too. Good stuff!
We cuddled on the sofa and watched “The Nativity Story”. This was the first time the children have seen it, and while we had to answer lots of questions, they liked it, and I think it really made an impact.
Meme came in the afternoon and spent the night with us. She brought American Girl surprises to the delighted little girl and a police motorcycle (also from the aunts and uncles) among other things to the very excited little boy.
We FaceTimed Uncle Ben and Aunt Katie, and Uncle Will Will, Aunt Crystal and Stella. It was entertaining trying to show them what was going on as well as show them each other.
Joseph got a full police uniform with hat and helmet, including a belt and whistle. He has a few guns, so he was all set, and ready to pull someone over!
The aftermath:
…Of course the bikes aren’t gifts, but fixtures in our living room. I spy a compost pail – and super excited about it (no more stinky containers).
The day after Christmas, Joseph was up early, eager to ride his motorcycle.
He’s making sure everyone is following the rules!
Gran Gran and Poppy came bearing gifts and spent the afternoon with us before heading back to Savannah. Among our gifts, the kids received new shoes (Hannah ecstatic about her new saddle oxfords!), Joe got the super-nice Garmin watch he’d been wanting, and I got a few things from my wish list. We gave them a WIFI photo frame with the new technology where I can share pictures to the frame from my computer at home. They don’t have to do anything, which was the point. I wanted to make it easy for them and they loved it.
The next morning, Hannah wore her Christmas dress from last year to church, which was my dress when I was about her age. How sweet and precious she is to me…
After lunch, as I packed and got us ready to leave town, Joseph was back out patrolling the yard.
It was a busy but wonderful couple of days. I’ll be back to post about our trip to St. Simons. We got back last night and today has been full – catching up, cleaning up, and doing a bunch of laundry. We are laying low this NYE and heading to bed!
Festive time is really brings different kind of happiness and excitement in our life. Most probably we love to spend those days with our families and celebrate with parties, foods, drinks, gifts and new clothes. I am sure every western family are celebrating with different style and theme parties in Christmas and here in this blog we have found an awesome celebration and theme party.
Baby Steal