But first, Merry Christmas from the Bucks!
We hope you and yours have had a wonderful Christmas and are still enjoying the holidays. Since my last post, we have gone to parties, spent time with family, played, celebrated, gone out of town, cuddled and watched movies, and slept in (well, I have). So here’s to catching up on this last day of 2015, starting with Christmas week…
The Sunday before Christmas was packed full. We attended a party following church, our friends’ the Bibb’s Nip, Nibble and Nog. It’s pretty much all of our friends with children – young and old – and is a really good time. The hosts, Deana and Ken, are dear friends of ours and their house is lovely (and very old). Deana is also in my small group, so we’ve gotten pretty close over the years.
At 3 o’clock, Hannah and I went to a mother-daughter tea. It was hosted by the cute twins pictured below, Anne Marie and Emerson, and their little cousin (and good friend Brannen’s daughter), Pierce – wearing the white bow below.
Hannah and I have gone the last three years and we always have a great time, sipping tea (and lemonade) and eating super-yummy sweets. This was the first year that Hannah’s age wasn’t the youngest, so several of my friends who have younger girls were there. My daughter was also excited to be wearing a Christmas dress she picked out with Meme several months ago.
Afterwards, we swung by the house to pick up the boys and headed to see a local church’s live nativity. We all enjoyed that, and the snacks and playground following. 😉
That night, Joe and I attended a big annual Christmas party here. It is hosted by a church member but the attendees are a mix of all ages. We had a nice time and enjoyed catching up with friends sans kids. It was an exciting and fun, yet exhausting day.
On Monday, we prepared and cleaned the house, ran errands, and distributed candy canes – leaving them hanging on doorknobs and running away. Hannah and Joseph love to do this sort of thing, and I love the lessons it teaches them.
We hosted my Thursday morning girls small group get-together that night. Everyone brought appetizers and an ornament to swap. We all put in money to provide the local food pantry with a bunch of peanut butter, as protein is something food banks love to receive and usually need this time of year. The peanut butter jars were stacked high in a pyramid so everyone could see what we did together.
That’s six of us. There are two more, Rebecca and Meg, who weren’t able to come.
Tuesday was my 35th birthday. 35…sounds like a big number, but that doesn’t bother me. I received calls and texts and Facebook messages, cards and gifts. Joe took me out to my favorite restaurant in nearby Milledgeville, Aubri Lane’s. Our sweet friends, Benjie and Jennifer joined us. {My Dad and brother, Will, are in competition to see who can buy the best “Merry Birthday” card.}
It was a good day and I’ve had a pretty great year. Looking forward to see what the next year has in store!
While Wednesday was pretty low-key at home, we did join Joe’s staff for lunch and run errands. These two little elves and Santa dog are my helpers….
On Christmas Eve we delivered groceries to some of the DFACS foster families. I try to find ways to help and do for others, especially around Christmas, and I love how my babies are eager to do the same. It really puts the focus on where it should be – loving and giving the way Jesus taught us to.
Our church’s candlelight service is one of my favorites. I love the music, the festive clothes on all the children, hearing the Christmas story read, and the candlelit singing of “Silent Night” at the end. Seeing both of my babies with their candles, watching the glow and mesmerized by how beautiful the church looks is priceless. I have to take a mental picture…
This year’s service was the best ever. While the weather was terrible with thunderstorms threatening the peace-filled night, my heart was full to the brim listening to my husband and baby girl singing their first duet during the gathering music.
“Go Tell It On The Mountain” is one of our favorites and we sing it often when we tuck Hannah and Joseph in. Hannah knows every bit by heart, and Joseph can almost sing it by himself.
I tried to hold my phone still so I could video, all along my eyes filling up with tears. Hannah’s voice was so sweet and she sounded so good, all bias aside. If you listen closely, you can hear Joseph talking about his sister…proud little brother he was!
We went to a Christmas Eve get-together after church, as we have done every year since living in Sandersville. Other than last year when someone else hosted it, we’ve gone to our friends’ Helen and Charles’ house. They have a beautiful home, and it is always a fun way to end the night, enjoying delicious food and surrounded by friends.
It was a late, and rainy, night. Our babies were excited to head home, put out cookies and milk for Santa, and go to bed. They were asleep just about as soon as their little heads hit their pillows. Joe and I were up a little while longer, making preparations for the next morning!
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