The preschool end-of-year program was Thursday and our sweet girl graduated!
To say that Joseph enjoyed being onstage is a bit of an understatement. A friend of ours sent us this picture, and something along the lines of “You can tell who the preacher’s kid is!”
Hannah liked being next to her friend, Wilson. She was a little bossy in telling him what to do and what not to do, but he held her hand and seemed to be ok with it. “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “The Wheels on the Bus” were two favorites they performed, as well as “God is So Good.”
Meme came to watch and celebrate with us. She crafted this sign for the graduate:
Joseph’s smile has gone from cheesy to creepy…
After snacking on sugary refreshments, Meme and I took them to the playground to run some of it off. We met Daddy for lunch at Fox’s pizza. What a happy day! We put the graduate among the artwork on the fridge:
Dear Monkey,
I cannot believe that, in just a short couple of months, you will be in full-day school. I’m wondering where my baby went, but at the same time so excited for you. The church preschool has been wonderful for you these past three years. It was impossible to imagine who you’d be today when you were this little almost-two-year-old on your first day of school…
You just kept getting bigger and smarter each year…
And when your brother was old enough for his first day of school, you were right there – protecting him and telling everyone he was your baby brother.
Joseph loved going to school, too, and playing with his big sister on the playground. Y’all have grown so close and had so much fun these last two years at preschool. I am not going to know what to do at first with you being gone all day, but I will have your little brother at home to take care of so I guess I’ll be ok. I know you are a little sad to be leaving Josey, but you are going to love telling him all about big school. And, one day all too soon, you’ll both be in big school and I’ll wonder where the time has gone.
You were a little overwhelmed when we took you to see your new school, but you were so excited when you saw the huge playground, and, though there were a lot of kids out there (none of which you knew), you ran out to play.
You are going to love pre-K, I just know it! You are a good helper and have a big heart. You are very outgoing and social and we know you will make friends fast. I can’t wait to see all that you learn and hear all of your stories from school. Don’t be afraid, little acorn. Just be the person God made you to be…
Remember that Jesus is with you always, living right inside of your heart. Share His love with others and be kind. Daddy and I are so proud of the little girl you have become. We are so blessed to have you and love you so much.
To the moon and back,
Lindsey, you have done it again!!! Love this post. Cherish every day with those precious children. I am glad they are my grandchildren!! Love, Gran-Gran
Love this post Lindsey. It brought tears to my eyes. Hannah is such a precious girl, and I love how sweet she is to Joseph (Emma could take a few pointers from her!). Can't believe she'll be in "big school" next year!