Moving on from all the sickness, let’s talk about two-year old shenanigans. As for milestones and developmental guidelines, he’s doing just fine.
Height: 34 1/2″ (50%) Weight: 25 lbs, 13 oz (25%) We are very happy with this considering his past growth issues. Meal times have greatly improved. He eats (or is offered) what we have, or a variation of that, and drinks three cups of milk/day. Usually one meal a day is “on the run” – and by that I mean we feed him while he’s walking around and doesn’t realize he’s eating (usually while lunch is prepared for everyone else). I realize that this is not ideal, but right now we are going with what works. We have plenty of time to teach him about table manners. {Note: he does get in trouble when he puts his foot up on the table, something he loves to do and knows the reaction it gets.} He is still taking Miralax (with his milk) in the morning and Prevacid (capsules broken over yogurt) everyday. He sleeps about 12 hours at night (7pm-7am) and is taking a 1 1/2 – 2-hour nap after lunch. Hey, despite many other problems, we’ve never complained about this boy’s sleep habits. Thank God. We’ve actually moved both kids’ bedtimes up and life is better all around.
He took his time, but he’s finally talking and has about three dozen words in his vocabulary, including: Da-da, Momma, Hannah (Nah nah), no (his favorite), yes, down (two syllables: down-na), cold, cheese, amen (ah-meen), please (tease), okay (oh-tay or just ‘tay), stop (dop, and I can’t take him seriously when he says it), cookie, cracker (crackie), hot (hotch), eat, chip, juice, empty, milk (milp), and iPad (Did you not see the picture of him on the exam table at the doctor?).
Phrases: uh oh, oh no! (said frequently and, weirdly, in a British accent), all gone/all done, thank you (taan too), hold me, there you go (‘der ya go), and I don’t know (not sure how to phonetically spell it, but the I and don’t are one word, and it’s got that annoyed-teenager tone when he says it, dragging out the knooow).
His favorite shows are Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but he’s interested for all of 3 minutes before he is off doing something else. Really, he loves the music/theme song part. He loves music and songs in general, singing along in church with the hymns and with the choir. And he can jam out on the little piano at home. The typical boy, he likes to play with trains, cars, and blocks and to see how things work, usually by destroying them and then trying to put them back together. He likes to play with water – be it at the kitchen sink on the step-stool, in the bath, or outside at his new water table. More than anything, he loves to be outdoors – going for wagon rides, checking the mail, and exploring in the backyard. He usually doesn’t stay clean for long. Joe recently read me something he saw on Facebook, “Boys: noise with dirt on it.” I can’t think of a better way to put it.
My Sweet Joseph,
This past year has been a little challenging. You took your sweet time walking…and talking, often frustrating your Daddy and me. You fussed or cried a lot of the time you were awake. We desperately tried to figure out what you wanted all the times you’d cry or holler “ehhhhh!”. We were anxious for words to express why you cried so much. Because of all your tummy problems, I was often sad and felt helpless to make you feel better. We worked hard to figure out which medicines and dosages you needed so you wouldn’t be in pain. Your tummy problems are still there, but we think we are managing them ok for now. Finally, we feel like we are on the right path. The past few weeks have been the best we’ve had, the best you’ve had. We are so glad you are happy and seem to be feeling better. We are thankful to finally watch you play and just be a normal boy.
You are my loving, cuddly little boy. I love rocking you after story-time at night. You use Raffie (your Giraffe lovey) as a nesting place for your head on my chest. {On the subject of Raffie: you don’t mind having him washed, but you have to take part in the process throwing him in the washing machine.} You like to rest your head on my shoulder when I pick you up from a nap, as you slowly wake up. I like that brief moment before you are ready to get down and go play. You oftentimes come up to us, giving what Daddy calls “drive-by hugs” and run off. If I get hurt and say ow!, I earn a kiss from you. And sometimes your love hurts; you pinch when you hug and squeeze. Your Eskimo kisses are a little violent, as you get so into it, shaking your head back and forth. I risk a broken nose, but those are some of the best kisses ever. And how sweet is the sound your lips make when you kiss my cheek.
I love hearing your cute giggle when I tickle you. You still love to play peek-a-boo, especially when I make all kinds of silly faces behind my hands. You have perfected the art of a cheesy smile, tilting your head back and squinting your eyes. It’s become a trademark and one that your sister loves to emulate. You get along with Hannah well, though you are very aware of what upsets her, and sometimes that encourages you. The two of you have an unspoken form of communication. She always seems to know what you might need. She is even getting better at tolerating it when you color on her picture. Whenever you hurt her, you are quick to say sorry with a hug.
Hannah bosses you around, and you typically listen to her. You fight over toys and get mad, but mostly you play well together. You are good with her dolls and other girly things. As it is with any little brother, your big sister is in control, looking out for you at home and on the playground at preschool. I hope you will always be best friends the way you are now.
Even with all the frustrations of the last year, we’ve still had happy times and made countless memories together. The days are sometimes long, but the years go by fast. I thank God every day for you and the joy you bring to my heart. I am looking forward to watching you grow in the year ahead.
But please, don’t grow too fast. I love you so much, Josey.
PS, I couldn’t decide on one picture of you and Hannah, so I put together a couple collages from the last year:
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