Whitney Houston was definitely a household name in our house. Growing up I would sing her songs with my hairbrush microphone as much as I sang anybody else’s – probably more. I have memories of listening to Whitney as Mom drove us to school in the mornings, my brothers and me trying to hold that really long note at the end of “Greatest Love of All”. You know it: Find your strength in…loooooooove. We knew all the songs off of that album and many others. That album cover is the image that always comes to mind when I think of her.
Nobody could sing like Whitney. And when The Bodyguard came out, I was obsessed. I have watched that movie many times and, apologies to Dolly, Whitney Houston’s version of “I Will Always Love You” is my favorite. Such a good love song, and one to which us middle-schoolers would dance (one-ruler apart) at our Catholic school dances. Oh how we loved her.
Her music was very much a part of my life growing up. Such a sad story of what her life became, in and out of drugs. It is sad to imagine all the beautiful talent that was wasted. Hopefully now she can experience the true greatest love of all…
I loved Whitney as well! I watched Oprah's special on OWN last night and my comfort in losing Whitney so young is that she knew God and talked about her faith so much. So many times when people die you pray for their soul and with her death it's a little more peaceful in knowing she gave her life to God many years ago and is in a much better place. She's finally at peace and away from the struggles of this life. The interview was such a testimony of her trials and tribulations and how through it all she thanks God for never giving up on her.