Long time, no post right? Yes…I know. I have been adjusting to a good deal of life-change. There have been quite a few firsts – new things and new challenges. If you remember my last post (it was MAY), my little family has embarked on an exciting adventure. We are now living in Valdosta, the southern-most city in Georgia we have ever lived (we’ve lived in 4 other cities in this great state) and are planting a church. Planting is a fancy word for starting. 🙂
My husband has been with the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church for 14 years, and attained his final degree when he graduated with his Doctorate of Ministry in 2012. He has served four churches and has been on the traditional Methodist career path for elders (ordained pastors)…until now. We said goodbye to a safe and mostly-predictable life to answer this call. We gave up comfort for obedience to God and His will for us.
It has not been easy. In fact, it has been very hard. And very stressful at times. Not going into all the details (at least at this time), I am just here to report that we are alive and well…and have had A LOT going on. I will post about some of that.
I have used my Instagram posts as little updates – teeny, bite-sized blog posts. It is still important to me to keep family and friends updated (and myself), but I needed a blogging break. To be completely transparent, writing and editing/uploading photos to form blog posts take so much time and that’s time I needed – and wanted – to spend elsewhere the last eight months. My husband needed me. My kids needed me. And my house (the old one and the new one) needed me.
While I missed the accomplished “being current” feeling the blog gave me, it was also nice not having the oftentimes-nagging thoughts like, “oh, I didn’t post about this yet” or “I’m so not up to date” or “We just went on a trip and I haven’t written about it yet (and have hundreds of photos to go through)…and, also, all this other stuff has happened that I haven’t written about either”…and on and on.
So, I had my blog printed into books (as I’ve done in the past) and the 2016 one ends in May. So be it. I wasn’t going to stress about it, and I wasn’t going to worry about whether I would decide to stop altogether or pick it up again. There were a bunch of things to do and I wanted to make sure my priorities were where they needed to be. Life happens and occasionally you go through seasons where you have to make some changes. June began such a season.
Now, that we are settled in this new place and things have somewhat calmed down, I’m ready to be back at it. I do miss the blog – not necessarily all the work – but the blog itself. And I really miss writing. I miss telling our story and sharing with you.
As you can see, my blog doesn’t look the same. It doesn’t even have the same address and it’s not called Evergreen Drive. You see, over the last year, with all we had church-related going on, I was also in the process of starting my own design business. Last winter, I went through the whole branding process and, over the last few months, I have been building this new website. So voila! Can I just say, I am not a graphic designer and I am not a web designer?? Talk about feeling overwhelmed in trying to navigate all this stuff! Reason #1 on why it has taken me this long to get to this point.
But here we are, January 2017, and I introduce you to my new online home: lindseybuckdesign.com. My business and blog all in one place. I am excited about this new website and have a lot of ideas about what I want this revamped space to look like. You’ll definitely see design stuff, ideas and projects, miscellaneous thoughts, and, no doubt, posts about my family, our trips, and this journey we are on.
I don’t have it all together. I am figuring it out as I go. This is definitely going to take some trial-and-error, so bear with me as I tweak things and try new ideas. Both through this new blog and my new business, I’m excited to see what’s in store. Hope you’ll join me!
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