This past week is one I’d rather not live again. Our hospital stay was a roller-coaster ride of emotions.
We adjusted after the initial news that Joe would be in the hospital for two days. Tuesday morning I brought Joe his laptop and a book and he was good to go. Tuesday night I returned home in time to take the kids to a quick supper at Waffle House.
On Wednesday morning we received more bad news: due to trauma patients coming into the ER the night before, Joe’s surgery was delayed until the afternoon. Ok, that’s fine, we understand. Then yet another doctor (we talked to several residents and never actually saw Joe’s surgeon) told him that he would need to stay until Saturday. What?!? This doctor said that it takes cultures 5-7 days to grow, and pathology results wouldn’t likely be known in two days. I was beyond frustrated. I was in tears. Why the conflicting word? Why are we hearing from different doctors? Why do we have to stay at the hospital to wait for pathology results?
We arrived home in Sandersville around 10 o’clock on Wednesday night. Praise God!!! Hannah and Joseph spent the night with my sweet friend, Betsy. So thankful for how resilient my kids were, not really understanding what was going on, but handling the upheaval in their routine just fine.
The last two days have been catching up, doing laundry, Christmas shopping and present wrapping, and playing and snuggling with Hannah and Joseph, a field trip to see Santa and preschool parties, a mother/daughter Christmas tea and decorating cookies with neighbor friends, delivering gifts and reading Christmas stories.
And Joe has been a part of most of it. He surprised the kids on their preschool field trip to see Santa at the bank Thursday morning. Then he went to Rotary. He’s run errands and gotten a haircut. He is moving around well, back in the old boot. And he’s not even taking pain medicine as scheduled. Yes, my husband is incredibly stubborn and strong-willed – a quality I guess I have to admit I admire in him. But he is doing great, considering.
Preschool parties. A picture of the two of them together was just not happening. The uncooperative little brother:
The (very annoying) big sister “I-don’t-want-to-smile” smile:
In the two-year-old class, you bring a wrapped present for your own child. We went with a ball. His first soccer ball. My brothers would’ve been proud:
In the four-year-old class, they draw names. Hannah picked out a Barbie for Riley…and Maddy picked a Barbie for Hannah, a mermaid that goes in the bathtub. Perfect! {This is Hannah’s first Barbie. I planned on pushing off the Barbie thing for another year or two. Oh well, she’s happy.}
Delivering gifts to friends…
And yesterday afternoon, cookie decorating with Mrs. Peggie and Mr. Sid produced these colorful plates:
PS: Here are pictures from last week. More Christmas fun!
Going to Tennille for their Christmas festivities, a live nativity and Santa Claus.
Helping make Momma’s coffee. Christmas pajamas almost every day!
Watching Superbook, their favorite:
And going to see The Nutcracker with Cole in Milledgeville!
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