Did you see this on Facebook or Instagram?
Seriously, though. She said it. I wrote it in pencil. She traced and signed it “Love, Hannah”. The funny thing is, as her daddy said, she’s usually a pretty good girl. She’s honest though. Sometimes she’s not really good. I love it…and I’ll keep it forever.
As for a wish list…
For Hannah and Joseph:
{a.} rain boots (done and done). {b.} Toms. I am pretty sure Hannah would flip out over these. Toms are good for both kids actually. They wear them a lot. {c.} bikes (Santa is done). {d.} puzzles for my puzzle prodigy (60-100 pieces). {e.} umbrella (so she will stop using mine and bumping into things (also done). {f.} FN books for our fancy Hannah. {g.} Freight Train. We checked this out from the library and it was Joseph’s favorite. {h.} step stool like Hannah’s for Joseph. {i.} US wall map (must have Savannah, Seattle, and Cincinnati. Do not want one with too much clutter). I love this one here. Dad? {j.} Duplo set. {k.} additions to their Thomas train.
I believe most of these things are covered, but for tradition’s sake I thought I’d add a wish collage to the blog. If you are eager to buy for my children, check with me. Or, better, buy a gift for another child in their honor. They have plenty!!
As for Joe and me… Well, a successful surgery on Monday and easy recovery is at the top of our list…along with a MacBook! There are a few other wishes, too, so if I get my act together I’ll add below.
Some birthday/Christmas things I might like:
{a.} linen hemstitch napkins (flax, letter B) {b.} these pencils from etsy. {c.} twine (lots of fun colors; available on Amazon). {d.} puffy crossbody (I like this one in black from Vera Bradley but not too picky, just something easy and casual). {e.} Ugg Ansley slippers (Zappos, light grey, size 8). {f.} sphere place card holders from PB. {g.} clam shell (Ballard, here). {h.} preserved boxwood wreath(s), large (west elm) {i.} cleaning tools. I love this duster and broom from Crate & Barrel. {j.} lip line perfecter (Sephora). {k} Obagi vitamin C serum, 10% (Amazon). {l.} luggage rack. {m.} vintage jewelry (long necklace, these earrings I saw on etsy, or anything else fun). Gift cards to PB, Ballard, iTunes, etc. are always welcome. 🙂
I will try and muster up a collage for Joe.
Now, way more importantly…
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Advent! Please try to do/read/find something that continually puts you in the right frame of mind, and refocuses your attention on what this season is all about. I find that this is a daily challenge as it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle…spending too much money, going too many places, getting too few hours of sleep… We have to train ourselves and strive to make Christmas about Jesus, because, essentially, you have to be counter-cultural. As I’ve read recently, “Christmas is not your birthday!” Amen to that.
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