As I type that title, I can’t help but sing the song from a Doc McStuffins episode…”Happy happy birthday to my favorite hippo, Hallie!” Hallie is one of Doc’s favorite toys and I love her personality. You can’t help but laugh at the things she says. I sang that song to Hannah all birthday week.
It took so much time to do that last post on the fancy party that I needed a break before finishing the rest of what was several days of birthday celebrations.
Let’s back up a bit with some mobile uploads. We started decorating a week before the party, which is good because – as you saw – there were quite a few decorations. I had plenty of help on the ladder:
Practicing with the sponge curlers the weekend before.
We made several trips to Wal-Mart getting ready for the party…
…and stopped by the nursery to visit our fish friends and turtle at the koi pond.
Help stuffing the favor bags:
Friday morning, giving hugs before preschool.
The night before Hannah’s party, I wondered how she’d sleep with the sponge rollers. The first try was a little rough; sleep didn’t come easy.
But I think she was so exhausted, she was out like a light…and apparently hanging her head off the side took care of the discomfort caused by the rollers.
{Insert: Fancy Nancy soiree}
After the party on Saturday, we just relaxed and played with family in town.
Hannah loves Cousin Lyndsey and Joseph loves to cuddle.
…and Hannah loves to eat yogurt (as you know)…
…the girl could eat it all day.
How about that fancy headband from Aunt Kristie? She doesn’t ever like to take it off.
We went to Puebla’s for dinner, Hannah’s favorite place to go eat. Then we tried to preserve the curls during bath time and she opened a special present from Meme: an add-a-pearl necklace with her first inch of pearls.
The next day more family came in town and we went to church and lunch and then came back to the house for cake. Hannah picked out a cake just for this occasion: a black and white zebra print design with hot pink trim. Probably not what I would’ve chosen, but this is her birthday. And, whenever we are at the grocery store, she always wants us to take her by the bakery. This was her chance to take one home!
Playing in the gazebo on the Square downtown with Liam. Joseph couldn’t be bothered for a picture. He just wanted to shuffle/stomp around.
Saying goodbye to Aunt Kristie, so glad she and Maddie came!
Saying goodbye to Aunt Karen and Uncle John, Hannah’s dear godparents from Jesup. We are thankful for everyone who came to town to celebrate with us!
Check out the new sequined skirt from Gran Gran and Poppy…another present she doesn’t like to take off.
Family and friends left and it was just us.
When we went to bed that night, Joe went to put on his boot and found it covered in stickers. Some little girl got into our room and decorated without us knowing.
And finally, September 9th came and my birthday girl went off to school (and another chance to eat cake).
Present opening time! She was ecstatic – that’s fancy for overjoyed – when she opened The Princess and the Frog from Joseph. She’d never seen it, but it looked fun. (Now she has watched it several times.)
Birthday cake? No. Yogurt with sprinkles!
A denim jacket and fancy fringe boots, a couple presents from Momma and Daddy.
Always ready to pose in fancy clothes. Joseph is busy playing with his new dump truck.
We saved the top tier of her birthday cake for her actual birthday. She loved the purple icing. We had to remind her to eat the cake part, too.
She wanted a piece every night after dinner for a while…long after the leftovers should’ve been tossed. Didn’t matter to her; still tasted good.
And that wraps up what was quite a fourth birthday for our Monkey. Stay tuned and I’ll try to upload some videos. I said stay tuned…but don’t hold your breath. I’m getting frustrated with my computer!
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