One morning, after getting Hannah dressed for preschool, we stood at her bathroom counter. {I included this picture of her “big girl” hairstyle for a visual. I’m not sure what day this exchange took place.} As I fixed her hair, I asked her how she was feeling or something along those lines, and she answered by quoting one of her favorite shows, “I’m ready for action!” That would be Team Umizoomi, a math-based show that teaches kids all about numbers and shapes in a fun way. Everyone has mighty math powers. It is pretty basic, which we like, and has fun music and characters, which she loves. Introducing Milli, Geo and Bot, little math superheroes:
I was quite surprised by her response to my early-morning question, and impressed by her enthusiasm.
Yesterday was a big day. It was Pentecost, the birthday of the church, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples (see Acts 2), and also Confirmation at our church. District Conference was also yesterday in a town about 30 min away. I drove the kids separately since Joe had to be there earlier, and about two minutes away from the church, Joseph got carsick. Cleaning up the car (and him) as best as I could in a hurry (thankful that I hadn’t dressed him yet), I dropped the kids in the nursery and hurried into the worship service.
Joe was asked to preach, and preach he did. I was proud of him – and humbled at the same time – as he spoke, filled with the Spirit, and with conviction and the authority from Jesus. {Joe is not one who is afraid to step on toes from the pulpit. If it needs to be said, he’ll say it.} The text was Acts 2:42-47 and Matthew 25:31-36, and the message was about wasted talent and potential. It was about being a follower (and not a fan) of Christ, living a counter-cultural existence, being “bondservants” to our Lord, helping others, and showing our faith through our words and deeds. He also told this story of Hannah, about being “ready for action”. We should all be ready for action in serving God and caring for others. Wouldn’t the world be a much better place?
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