I was planning to put off Joseph’s haircut a while longer. But it somehow went from cute and tame to ragamuffin status in the last week. Take this, for example. After nap on Monday:
I mean, I love those curls on the top, but it’s a bit out-of-control.
As you can see my model obliged to pose for pictures. We have this thing called cheesy smile. All I have to do is say the words. It starts with a head tilt back and a squinty face:
…then eyes shut tight while continuing the cheese:
It makes me laugh. But alas, my photo fun can’t go on forever and my subject got tired of participating.
Or maybe he knew I was having fun with his hairdo. Either way I got one more sweet little Josey smile before I scooped him up.
We’re going to get it cut today. We’re going to get it cut today. (Sung to the tune of Zacchaeus’ “For I’m going to your house today…”)
Gonna get it cut toooddaaaaaaayyyyyy!