The last month has been nuts. Before I get to November, I need to finish up October. {I synced my phone and computer today.}
Hannah has really taken to her role as chief feeder to Mollie. She is very methodical in how she does it – just the right amount of food, and just the right size treat. I believe it is never too early to start giving kids responsibilities.
We call this her fancy outfit. The first day she wore it to preschool her teacher told her she looked fancy.
Later that afternoon, we took a trip to see the doctor for Joseph.
We can have all kinds of fun waiting on the doctor.
Day before Halloween:
All I wanted was a picture of them together. I think they were competing to see who could be the least cooperative. Maybe they wanted to see how long it would be before I gave up.
It wasn’t long.
I cut my losses after this one smile, but found her later dressed like this:
The next night, Halloween, our bumble bee gave out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Her little brother was more fascinated with opening and closing the door, which she found really irritating.
The flight of the bumble bee…buzzzzzzzzzzz.
Just as these pictures were taken my dear friend Jennifer was in labor with baby girl #2, born just before midnight on Halloween!
We’ve had lots, repeat lots, of Halloween and fall artwork come home from preschool. Our kitchen cabinet doors are adorned with priceless pieces. Obviously, the kids get some help. I know that very little of what Joseph brings home is his own. Because Hannah colors at home, I know where she stands. She was in a big hurry this day and it’s not her best work, but still…
Apparently, Joseph has better skills than Hannah. 😉
Crystal says
I have a fabulous painting on Will's fridge that was drawn by me and "Art Directed" by Hannah! 🙂