It was finally that time. As much as I loved Joseph’s little blonde curls, they’d gotten a tad out of control and a haircut was in order. Those curls at the nape of his neck were so dang cute how they’d pop up out of nowhere when he played outside. But, hair was long and everywhere, and he was starting to look like a girl. I’m ok with a pretty boy, just not a pretty girl – that is actually a boy. It was sad watching those first locks be cut off. Joe and I exchanged frowns as the scissors were snipping away, realizing that instantly our baby aged months.
{I took these pictures with my phone, going for quantity over quality.}
Sitting still for a little bit.
Why did you just cut off all my curls lady?
He was eager to help though…
The try-to-cut-my-hair-while-I-move-around picture I posted on Facebook:
And after:
It’s short, a little too short in some places, but I can’t blame the nice lady. She did well, considering. She wanted to take a family shot:
Hannah’s turn. Joseph, always the little helper…
Constantly moving kid = blurry pictures.
But you get the idea.
And for his baby book, a sweet little curl…
Oh my he looks like such a big man with that sweet 'do! And the overalls, love!
Meme's baby just grew up! He looks sooo old but still sooo cute!