It has taken quite a while to sit down at the computer, get a post together in my head, through my fingers, and onto the blog. I’ve gotten so far behind, catching up seems a little overwhelming. We’ve had a lot going on around here, so I’ll stick to the top stories and a few miscellaneous pictures from my phone…Settle in for a long post.
Nasty colds and infections have seemed to move from one family member to the next and back again. I think we spent most (if not all) of Lent with at least one person sick.
Holy Week was very full. Joe spent a few days in Tennessee for a church mission trip, while the kids and I stayed home. Joe came back with poison ivy, and then had to prepare for services Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. {He is allergic and it was misery for him.}
These were put away:
I’m not even sure the last time Joseph had a bottle anyway – a month or two ago? Thankfully they were not often used this time around.
We’ve enjoyed the nice weather.
Helped out in the kitchen.
And ridden the little pink race car at Wal-Mart.
Our potty-trainee proved that M&Ms might be good enough reason to go on the big girl potty.
Hannah had an Easter party and egg-hunt at preschool. I was unable to attend, but made sure to take a picture before she left. She was pretty happy with herself in her chick tutu outfit from Grandma. {She’s holding Daddy’s wallet.} I did get a text from Joe mentioning that we needed to work on the whole egg-hunting thing. Apparently, Hannah was fine watching the other kids scramble and race for the eggs.
You may remember last year’s Mudpie chick outfit.
On Palm Sunday, Hannah proudly waved her palm branch on the front lawn of the church, but when it came time to process, she caught sight of Daddy…With some (ok, lots) of encouragement from me, she made it to the front of the church with the rest of the children.
Easter weekend was filled with family and fun. My mom and Hannah (in matching aprons, no less) dyed Easter eggs and decorated mini bunny cakes.
We practiced hunting for Easter eggs.
…and got sidetracked just a few times.
Easter morning.
Happy to have Ben well enough to travel to see us!
Pre-church Easter egg-hunt.
Church was everything it should be on Easter Sunday. The pews were packed full, the music was beautiful, and worship was awesome. Obviously the preaching was good, too.
More egg-hunting back at home.
Trying to get a good family picture is always a challenge. This is the best one of the four of us.
Hannah had a bit of a meltdown…
…then Joseph did.
We called it quits and went inside to eat. {Continuing the chandelier ornaments for Easter.}
Post-meal Masters watching.
More Easter baskets.
We had a wonderful Easter and are so thankful to our family who came to spend it with us. Last week, we went to the beach for a few days and had a great time. I’ll try to post pictures soon, but I’m stopping here tonight. It is late and tomorrow is a very special day.
One last picture before I go. Last Tuesday, I took a break from packing and went for a run to the tennis courts where some of our friends’ kids were playing, and when I looked down and saw this…
…my heart melted.
Happy Easter and YUMMY bunny cakes! 😉
Awwwwwwwwww I love them holding hands! SO sweet!