At her 2-yr check-up, the pediatrician (our friend, Jennifer) asked us if Hannah talks in 2-3 word sentences. The answer is sometimes. Other times she talks in 5-7 word sentences. Like yesterday she said this to her Dad: “I want to hold you. Want to hold Hannah?” and then later as he was buckling her into her car seat: “I need a book I can read.”
She knows what she wants. Saturday I set out these outfits for her to choose from. I’m sure you can guess which she picked.
I’ve mentioned before about a little notebook I have where I keep track of what she says. That is kinda hard to do now, as she is saying new things every day. But just for fun, the other day I did keep track of the new stuff. It goes like this (all in a span of a few hours):
I need ice cream cone.
I want to play.
Want to feed Hannah?
I need a diaper.
Do you want Hannah? (My personal favorite.)
I want to swing really bad.
(Exchange while I’m changing her diaper.) Me: Joseph’s crying. He needs me. Hannah: I need lunch.
Joseph watching Hannah play on swing set.
Yes. I’d say Hannah is where she needs to be as far as talking goes.
And about that swing set. She sure does love it…and has been nice enough to share with Joseph.
Last weekend we watched Daddy run a 5k race…and win. Go Daddy go!
Occasionally Hannah and Joseph nap at the same time. I love those days. On this particular day, I had to wake her up. She looked so sweet I had to take a picture.
She wasn’t sure what to make of Joseph being next to her.
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