The last project to be completed was Joseph’s dresser. This is the dresser that has been passed down (and passed down again) and now is making it’s appearance for the second time in a nursery. When Joe and I first got it, we painted it as you see it below. We had some spare paint and this is what we came up with. It’s home was our guest room. It’s contents, Joe’s winter apparel.
I chose paint to match the slate blue in the seersucker fabric. After lots of sanding and two coats of paint, I still had problems with the uneven paint surface due to the knobs (which in all previous occasions, had been left on) peeling the paint in large spider-like pieces. So, with advice from a friend who is an expert in painted furniture and a nice man at Ace Hardware, I ended up fixing the patches with paint filler…and more sanding.
After more paint and new knobs, this is the finished product:
It is not the highest quality piece of furniture, but it is old. And I like the story of it’s life. It is definitely a sentimental piece. I like the imperfections and naturally-distressed look. Wonder what my great-grandmother would think about her dresser now…
Joseph’s room is finally complete. Everything came together last week as we prepared to have guests in town for Joseph’s baptism. Nothing like planning a party to get your rear in gear. My mom came during the week to help both with the work and with the kids. {Mom, you have no idea how much we appreciate your help. Thank you!} And so, I finally had time to finish nursery #2. I’ll take some pictures and post soon.
You have always been so creative and artistic. Very jealous over here! Can't wait to see pics!
And the dresser – a slice of family history – has found a new home! Started as my grandmother's – Joseph's great, great grandmother – graduated to Uncle Ben's nursery, to college with Uncle Ben, to a guest room, and now to sweet Joseph's nursery – full of love and dreams. And a part of Gamma's family that he will never know. So sad that my sweet grandchildren are not blessed with great-grandparents. Guess I'll have to love them a little more!