Who am I kidding? He just loved the cuddle time with mom.
He found his tongue, and that was just plain cute. Daddy tried to get him to perform for the camera. Instead he just laughed. He has also rolled over. He’s sleeping great and the reflux is a little better. Some days are better than others. We have several clothing changes a day, and by “we” I mean both of us. I feel like I’m a big burp cloth. Good thing I love him a whole lot.
First time in the Bumbo!
I bought these for Hannah a month or so ago. Thought she would enjoy playing with them.
Ever since they came home with me, I have found them throughout the house – usually lined up like this. I hope it’s not a sign of OCD.
This time, she changed her mind as I was taking the picture.
Hannah loved being in the water with her dad and even rode some waves on the boogie board.
Mary Thomas and Joseph napping under the tent. Is there a better place to sleep?
The swaddle still works with towels.
“Nana Anna” and Joseph. He gets what we wants when she’s around.
Mary Thomas, Kelli and Jeffery’s youngest girl:
Hannah and “Necklace” (she can’t say Alexis):
Jeffery captured an eel.
More snoozing…
Our help: Alexis, Erin, Victoria, and Kristen. Love these girls.
Joe’s in the gray.
“Go, Daddy, go!”
Cooling off…
LOVE LOVE Hannah's swimsuit. Precious. Thinking of you today as I head down to Tech for AdPI recruitment. Those girls are phenomenal, lovely women. Have a great week (and no, no one expects your house to be settled. They'd probably think you were weird if it were)