It’s more of a demand than a whine. And it’s because that’s what I say to her all the time. When she’s about to throw a fit, I get right at her level and say “Hannah. Look at me.” Now I hear it back: “Momma. Look at me.”
A few other things we’re hearing a lot right now:
“No cry, Momma”
“Whatsa matter Mommy?”
“Daddy, what’s wrong?”
(all said while she’s the one upset or crying)
“I hold you, Daddy.” (translation: pick me up)
“I help you, Momma.” (help me)
“Water please. Ice on it.”
“Boo boo hurts so bad.” (doesn’t necessarily mean it hurts, but as long as she notices a scrape or bruise, that’s what she says)
“Whatsa problem?”
“Joseph’s sleeping…Joseph’s crying…Joseph’s funny…” (Joseph this, Joseph that)
“Momma, bow came out.” (the child thinks she was born with a bow in her hair)
“Go away bug!” (we go on lots of walks. she doesn’t like bugs.)
“Yay! Good job!” (says after she or someone else sings a song she likes)
“Go to sleep…close your eyes.” and “I see moon see me” (words to a couple of her favorite songs)
“Thank you.” (says when she hands us something) “I welcome.” (also says as she hands us something…she’s a little confused. but cute – or as she pronounces it “coot”)
She knows her abc’s and numbers pretty well. A month ago I was reading Ten Little Ladybugs to her. When on the page with five ladybugs left:
me: “Count them!”
Hannah: “One….three, four, six, seven, eight!!!”
Not exactly, but awesome. She was so proud of herself.
In the last month alone, this child’s personality has exploded. She is definitely entertaining. The drama level is at an all-time high (and going up I’m sure). But this age is fun and we are loving it for the most part.
She’s starting to dress herself.
And all of a sudden, she has started hiding…or her version of it. Chloe (my dog) does the same thing. As long as they can’t see you, you can’t see them. Right?
We love our Hannah Banana Buck (as she calls herself).
Oh my gosh – laughing so hard….that Hannah Banana Buck is HILARIOUS!!!!! I can't believe she climbed in the bouncy thing with Joseph, wowsers! Love that she's ready to help Elmo. Wasn't sure if the dvds would be a hit but sure glad they are! With that second baby, a few minutes off just can't possibly hurt, right?! Oh Hannah Banana!