Joseph will be three weeks old tomorrow. He’s doing great and has pretty much settled into a rhythm. He’s eating every three hours, give or take. He’s sleeping stretches as long as five and six hours at night. While we have had some fussy periods, so far he’s been relatively easy to figure out. The difference between him and newborn-Hannah is drastic. For one, he has got the breastfeeding thing down. He’s growing and gaining weight and is a happy baby. Other than the seven or so times a day I spend nursing him and the occasional snuggle when he’s fussy, he’s pretty low-maintenance. We have come to the conclusion that God gave us Hannah first so that we could appreciate how good we have it with Joseph. We think we are incredibly fortunate.
But still, it has been so hard to find time to blog. I feel like the days fly by and my 24/7 duties as a mom leave me little down time. And while there are plenty of other things I should be doing, I like to make time for this.
So without further ado, this is what we’ve been up to the past three weeks.
4 days old. First visit to the doctor. He weighed 8lbs 9oz, up 4oz since leaving the hospital. Here he’s about to have his heel stick for the bilirubin check.
First bath at home. It wasn’t his favorite.
One week old!
Last Friday morning we woke up really really early to watch The Royal Wedding. Of course I could have DVR’d it and watched it at a reasonable hour like my husband wanted me to. But I wasn’t missing it…live. {I was hoping Joseph was going to wake up right around 4am to eat. Instead he woke up at 2:30. So I nursed him and put him back in his bassinet. He wanted to stay up. So I did too.} My mom was staying with us and she got up too and watched with me (and Joseph). Today, before we left Savannah, she gave me the new special edition People magazine. Can’t wait to curl up and read!
By the way, I think that might be the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I love everything about it – the lines, the ivory satin, the lace, the pleated skirt, the train. It is timeless, classic and modern. Kate was gorgeous. The Abbey was beautiful. It was a fairy tale. I wish the happy couple a joy-filled marriage.
And speaking of fairy tales. I’m living mine. Just look at this little guy…
…and this princess.
I mean, what could possibly go better with a pink tutu than pink Crocs?
Ma plus belle histoire d’amour…c’est Toi.
Joseph hasn’t really decided what he thinks about the stroller. Sometimes he sleeps, other times he screams. I went running the other day for the first time since September. Running while pushing the double stroller takes a tad more effort than running without. It felt so good though. The walking was getting old…
Hannah’s not sure what she thinks about the new stroller either. She has to share it. And sometimes she has to listen to Joseph crying. What a drag.
But then she can be so sweet…
This past week was busy. On Monday we headed to Savannah for a whirlwind 24-hour trip. Doctor’s appointments for both Hannah and Joseph, as well as Joseph’s newborn pictures. We had an orthopedic appointment for Hannah to have her legs/feet checked. As expected, she needs braces. {Joe and I both had to wear them.} We’re sad about this. Yes, we want to correct her “in-toeing” but we hate that she’ll have to wear the bar…and for six months. 🙁 She’s already adjusting to a new baby in the house, and now she has to adjust to this – wearing braces every night to bed. {They had to order her size, so we drove back to Savannah to pick them up on Friday.} Tomorrow night is the night. Please say a prayer – for her and us.
At this point tummy time usually means just lay there and be lazy. It is a very soft and comfy mat, I’ll give that to him.
Totally in love.
PS – Go Navy SEALs!
We had a nice weekend – a real weekend, not a 36-hour “dizzying array of visits and activities” as Joe calls it. We got to spend time with our moms. I had sushi for the first time in like a year. My mom and I went and had pedicures. We went out for seafood – my mom, her children, and her grandchildren. We went to church and out to lunch with Joe’s parents. {Yes! Joe took a Sunday off!} We actually relaxed a little… It was sooooo nice.
And to wrap it up, here’s a picture that just makes me smile: my amazing mom and my sweet babes. Happy Mother’s Day Mama. Thank you. For everything. I love you always.
Linds-so here's your faithful follower again. I don't want to call or visit and mess up any routine – so I end up reading your blog (when I get the chance). How is Hannah dealing with the braces? How are y'all dealing with it? I teach at GSU tomorrow, and will be doing lots of grading after that, but by Thursday, things should be calming down.
The pictures are priceless. I wish I was as good as carrying around a camera to take pictures when those "moments" happen…and even those "not-so-moments" that make the cutest pictures too.
I guess you'll be gearing up for the move soon enough. I'll have to come over to listen to you talk and get excited about the design of the new parsonage. I can't wait to come and see it…and see y'all ofcourse. 🙂
It's getting late. I just wanted to post a comment so you would know I am reading regularly. The Buck Family Blog is the first button on my favorite's bar 🙂 — Take Care & text me when it's convenient for you to work out a day this week or next. Much Love & Many Blessings ~L
Joseph is so precious- I can't wait to meet him! Glad you like the stroller. Give the kiddos kisses and hugs for me! Love u!