…Hannah will no longer be an only child. And so I’ve tried to make the most of this past week. We’ve gone on long walks, played outside, cuddled, and read a lot of stories. She’s even been given baths and put to bed by both Momma and Daddy, which she LOVES. We’ve had a full week, so I’ll just let the pictures do the talking.
what other kid eats spaghetti squash so enthusiastically?
bird’s eye view.
palm sunday
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
and feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
this child can face uncertain days because He lives.Because He lives,
I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives,
all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
and life is worth the living just because He lives.
One other thing I want to say. Joe has been amazing through this whole pregnancy. He takes exceptional care of me (and Hannah) and for that I am grateful. {As you know, he does the cooking and prepares three meals/day for me most days.} He has made sure I eat good, well-balanced meals the entire time…well, from when I finally had an appetite. He works hard every day so that I can stay home. He balances work, with school (doctoral degree), with training and a million other things and never complains. He never wants any credit, but does it because he loves me. I am so thankful for a supportive and loving husband, who is a great Daddy too. Hannah and I are lucky ducks. I can’t wait for Joseph to meet him.
And I can’t wait to meet Joseph. Tomorrow!
So excited for y'all. I admire your ability to be 9 months pregnant, be a mommy to Hannah banana, a wife to Joe, in charge of OHC, still have your house together (cause I know it is), keep your blog up to date, and look absolutely fabulous all the while!
I can't wait to see y'all — and to read the next blog (and see pictures from Easter Sunday!)
Lots of Love from the Amis family! xo ~L