After our trip to Alabama at the end of September, we spent the next three weekends out of town also. This was a little much. One thing I know for sure: traveling with a small child is exhausting. (Not to mention that I feel tired a lot right now anyway.) Hannah, like many kids, does not do well when she gets out of her usual routine – hey, some adults are this way. She gives us 11-12 uninterrupted hours pretty much every night in her crib at home. On the road, sleeping in her pack-n-play, we get 7 hours broken up at best. She wakes up crying/screaming and at times inconsolable. We’re not sure if it’s the pack-n-play, the changes in routine, not being in her room, or what. But it’s not fun, I can tell you that.
All that being said, we did have a nice time the last two weekends. We went to Vero Beach for Grace Dare’s baptism. We stayed at a super nice house right on the beach (repeat: right on the beach). We could hear the waves crashing from our bedroom and see the water from the living room. The baptism was nice and Joe said a special prayer/blessing on the beach during the luncheon following. One of the highlights for us was Hannah’s first time on a swing set. Oh. My. Gosh. She LOVED it.
The Buck’s with Joan, Tim, and Grace Dare. |
The next weekend we went to Atlanta for Hannah’s first Georgia Tech football game. We got to see friends and show Hannah all the excitement. The GT band came right by our tailgate and played the fight song. Then we got in the stadium and saw the team come onto the field with the band and cheerleaders and all. Hannah was so cute. She loved every minute of it. Our seats were right on the 50 yard line. So much fun!
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