Lately I’ve looked around the kitchen table to find this:
That’s right. The pulling up thing has been going on for several weeks now, but not to this extent. For a while it was just the crib. Then it was furniture like the sofa and chairs. Then she realized that – heck -she could pull up on all sorts of things: bookshelves, laundry baskets, her toys, her high chair, cabinet door knobs. But when I found her like this I had to snap a picture. Use the glass on the back door to pull up – how innovative.
A picture of us after church on Sunday. I kind of annoyed Joe with this one. (What? Me? Nooooooo.) Putting it on the timer and trying to get a good shot. He thinks I’m a little obsessed with my camera. I think he’s probably right. But it is my favorite pastime. And I was shocked to realize when I went back through the last few months there were NO pictures of our family. Lots of Joe and Hannah, and many of Hannah and me, and hundreds of just Hannah, but not all three of us. So here it is. Not the best, but the best we got.
…And a picture of the naked frog.
She will be walking before you know it! And then watch out – holy cow!