My Monkey is 5 1/2 years old today. We’ve been waiting for this day to come for quite a while. When I would say she’s 5 1/2 to someone, Hannah would correct me: “I’m not 5 1/2 until March 9th.” Okay… Well, Hannah Banana, here we are.
I can’t believe she’s so grown up. It took me a long time to write a letter to her this year. I did much better in years past and even posted them on here. Something about this year though… I don’t know. I really procrastinated. Part of it might’ve been that I wasn’t ready to admit she was FIVE. A lot of it was because every time I would think about it, I was overwhelmed by the task. How do you write a special letter to a big part of your heart? I wouldn’t know where to begin…and where to stop! But I did it. Hand-written, last week. Six months late.
I love my little acorn. I am so proud of the person she is and is becoming. So crazy about that (not so) little girl. She is so precious to me and I am grateful for every day I have with her.
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