We are all about princes and princesses and crowns these days. She calls her daddy the king, I’m the queen, and Joseph is the prince. The other morning at breakfast we came up with her title: Lady Hannah of Evergreen. A little later I heard her yell “I need to go potty!!!….LADY!……….EVERGREEN!!!” Obviously she was trying to remember my title.
As I hear our words come back to us, I realize that Hannah is fond of words of affirmation. “I’m so proud of you” is one of her favorites. I’ve heard her say to Mollie “Good job!” and “Way to go!” and to Joseph “You’re walking! That’s a good boy!” Love it. But I was at the receiving end the other day when she said to me “You’re doing a great job watching volleyball.” Ummm…should I be happy, insulted, or ashamed by these words? So, yes, I was sitting there on the sofa at the moment watching the Olympics instead of housework, or something else productive, right in the middle of the day. I had just held Joseph as he drank his sippy cup of milk post-nap. But I was just sitting there nonetheless. How dare I?
And then yesterday we were in the car in the driveway about to pull out to head to church. “Momma, I’m tired of waiting for you to put on your lipstick…You’re not cooperating.” At least I know she’s hearing me. May not mind me or seem to be listening whatsoever, but hearing is a step in the right direction.
Remember the animals? Hannah has a little bit of an obsession with lining things up.
Is this normal?
She may come by it honestly. I have been known a time or two for displaying OCD-like qualities. Let me tell you, you do not want to see the wrath of Hannah when someone (Joseph) messes things up. Not very Lady Hannah like.
I leave you with this taken just a few minutes ago:
Ha. I laughed out loud with her "You're doing a great job watching volleyball" comment. Good for you taking some time for yourself. 🙂
So glad you caught that last photo – glad she was dressed "princess-like."