Where, you say?
Zihuatanejo is on the Pacific coast of Mexico, south near Acapulco. It is a fishing village; not a big place and not commercialized, which is why we like it. We went on our honeymoon and said we’d be back in five years. And we were. Five years and seven months to be exact, two moves, and two kids later.
It was my first time away from Joseph, and a year and a half since I’d had a break from kids. Let’s just say it was much-needed and much-anticipated.
We watched the sunset every night as we ate dinner with our toes in the sand. I know….rough.
We Skyped the kids every day for a little bit. Hannah liked to see the pretty flowers on our pillows.
We ate. And ate. Home of the best guacamole I’ve ever had, served at our little table on the beach.
Due to the fishing being so good, we ate fresh-caught fish every day. I had this yellowfin sushimi for lunch one day on the beach.
We went into town briefly one afternoon to buy some souvenirs for the kiddos.
Great trip. It was different this time around, more having to do with us than the resort. I told people when we got back that I think it was different because we are different. On our honeymoon there was no thought of what was going on back home. This time, we thought a lot about what was back home. Every time we saw a little native girl run down the beach, or a baby boy playing on the sand with his parents, we thought of Hannah and Joseph. We missed them, and wished at times they were there. {At very brief times…We know how relaxing a vacation is with little ones.}
My mom came to stay at our house so Hannah could go to preschool and there would be minimal disruption from routine. We left before the kids woke up on a Monday morning and came home after the kids went to bed on Friday night, so it was close to a week without seeing them, but we had these signs (and more decorations waiting for us):
Thanks again Mom, and Mama and Daddy Buck for helping make our trip possible!
Looks like an amazing trip!!!! Can't beat fresh guac!!! Yummy!
That's awesome! I am so happy for you guys (and slightly jealous.) We have been talking forever about going back to our honeymoon resort – this gives me hope to make it happen 🙂