Last night I attempted the monumental task of posting everything from the month of May. Not sure what I was thinking; three hours later I gave up. A more logical approach would be to break it up into several posts. Anyway…we’ve had a busy May.
1. We ran our first 5K as a family.
Joe won first in the masters division, which is 40 and over. He felt old, but a run time of 18:50 pushing a double stroller is pretty impressive anyway if you ask me.
2. Joe and I went to Mexico. {Pictures next post.}
3. I celebrated my third Mother’s Day. It was also infant recognition at the church. As we were at the front of the church and everyone started clapping, Joseph clapped for himself too. It was a very low-key day, the highlight being when all four of us got to nap in the afternoon.
4. We went to Peachtree City for Joe to race in the USA Triathlon Southeastern Regional Championships. He finished the international (olympic) distance third in his age group with a time of 2:21:25, qualifying him for USAT Nationals.
Package pick-up and checking out transition.
GO JOE makes another appearance in Peachtree City.
Joseph fell asleep during the bike and didn’t wake up for the finish…or for anything else for that matter.
Hannah kept watch near the finish line.
Sarah, Betsy, Betsy’s mom, Liam, PJ, and Lyndsey joined us to cheer Joe on.
5. Hannah finished her first year of preschool with an end-of-year program.
We love Ms. Connie.
6. We’ve spent a lot of time outside.
Before we went on our trip, Hannah and I had a special afternoon together. I’m not even sure we left the back porch.
First pedicure.
Every day, usually around 5 o’clock, the fussiness level starts to rise in this house. If there is one thing I can rely on during the witching hour (and yes, there is such a thing), it is the red wagon. Sanity saver.
Her first pedi, love it!!!