I am playing serious catch-up. We won’t have Internet here at the house for about another week. I’m using a wireless card, but it’s a dial up connection and those are just miserable. Seriously…I’d rather not have Internet at times than exercise the patience it takes to watch pages load. I’ve also been using Joe’s laptop instead of mine, which has all the pictures on it. Anyway… Here’s a little photo album of the last few weeks:
So I mentioned Joseph spent much of three days in the swing as we were loading up to move. When the swing failed to soothe, this was plan B. It’s hotter and impossible for me to lift boxes, but it stops the crying. His mom does rock…
The boys. Joseph is right down there between Ben and Will playing on his mat.
I couldn’t resist this picture:
Or this one. Fun, the things you find when you move. Joe’s plebe midshipmen cover from USNA.
Hannah decided she needed to wash off her Crocs.
Then she got thirsty.
This is what a full POD looks like. The PODS driver was impressed with how full it was due to it’s weight. I was impressed by the packing skills.
A few days in Savannah here but no pictures to post. It flew by in a whirlwind. Then…
Our first Sunday at SUMC:
Great service. Met everyone through a receiving line on the front steps. Nice, but hot. {These are typically what our family pictures look like right now. If you have a toddler, you can relate.}
…and Joseph was bored.
Finally, we took a break from unpacking and went over to a friend’s house to swim.
A big smile for Mrs. Anna!
Joseph’s first time in the pool! He was not ok with it at first, but then was as calm as can be.
The first week here I spent all the time I could unpacking and putting things away. I had friends come to help me. {Jennifer and Kate, I love you!} We had several people from church stop by the house with fresh vegetables, fruit, and meals. Unfortunately due to timing, we had to go back to Savannah for doctor’s appointments that Thursday and Friday.
{Joseph – two months old!}
While this deserves its own post. I am way behind and figured he’ll get his own post in about a week when he’s three months! He’s doing great! He had his two-month check-up and he was 12 lbs, 4 oz. (> 50%) and 24″ long (75%). It was our last appointment with Dr. Seibert. He is an awesome pediatrician and we were sorry to leave him. Of course, we need someone closer. We also had a hip ultrasound, precautionary due to the slight hip clicking the doctor found at his newborn visit. Happy to report that all is well. Our baby is healthy. He is nursing great so I am one happy momma. Thank GOD. I did get a two-month picture of him, albeit a few days late in his nursery (if you can call it that). He’s wearing what Joe was baptized in (minus the sweater).
I love him. Speaking of – this is his birth announcement. I don’t have the digital file so it’s a bit blurry.
We’ve taken several trips to Wal-Mart. On one such occassion, Hannah was fascinated by the receipt. Yeah…us too.
Smiles from the car seat:
There is a farmer’s market downtown every Saturday. Ready for an adventure, we strolled the kids from the house (about a mile and a half) to see what it was all about. Joseph mainly slept, but the rest of us enjoyed it.
{A goodbye}
My dad came through Sandersville with Renee and Andrew on their way out west. It was a short visit. It has been my dad’s dream for a long time to live out in the Pacific Northwest. I am sad that he is leaving. {It is no secret that I don’t like the fact that he is moving that far away.}
{A reunion}
After church on Sunday we headed to meet up with the “ADPi mommies” at my friend Kristen’s house in Greensboro. We have been looking forward to this “reunion” for months. It’s a bunch of our sorority sisters from Tech, who all have at least one baby. If I’m counting right, there were 11 of us, 7 husbands, 18 babies/toddlers, and one on the way. It was crazy. But definitely fun. And so good to meet all these kids I know so much about and have followed growing up. We missed a couple of our in-state girls. Out-of-staters, we missed you too. Shout out to Holly, Abby, and Kelly!
That brings me to July. And I’ll save the rest for another day. {This slow connection is for the birds and it has taken me hours to upload these pictures.}
Linds! I'm soooo happy you are closer to more friends and mommies & babies! I can't beleieve how old Hannah Banana looked holding the hose and washing her crocs…geez! I'm sure it will only be a few more posts and you'll be talking about the planning of birthday #2! I can't wait to see what you're going to do this year 🙂
Riley says almost every day she wants to see Hannah and Baby Joseph! I have to pull up the blog and tell her y'all moved. We miss you and look forward to y'all getting internet so we can read the blogs.
Tearing up now…again…so happy for you! xoxo ~L