Before we left for Atlanta, Joe set the DVR to record the SEC Championship game. His beloved Auburn was playing. Last night we got back in town just in time for the game to end. We picked up our dogs, put a pizza in the oven and turned on the game, watching it from the beginning and acting as if it was happening live (as if it mattered – we have no control over the outcome either way!). In the end, we were very pleased and excited that Auburn was going to the national title game.
Unfortunately I signed on Facebook to celebrate the win with a War Eagle in my status. I say unfortunately because I saw on the homepage a few ugly comments from “friends” regarding Auburn. For the purpose of this post, and because that’s what they are, I’ll call these people “haters.”
Why? That is the thing I just simply don’t understand. Why do people have to hate? Why do people have to take out their anger, bitterness, resentment, or jealousy on somebody else? Is it because something is missing in their own lives that something so insignificant as a football game really gets them that upset? Is it really worth using the computer to bash somebody? You have to wonder.
To not neglect the obvious, I’ll mention the Cam Newton controversy. Now, in America we are suppose to presume innocence until proven guilty. It has become commonplace to do the opposite though. We immediately condemn someone when allegations are thrown around, despite not knowing the whole story. In the case of Cam Newton, the solicitation of money by his dad involving Mississippi State has been investigated by the NCAA for a few weeks now. To not go into all the details, they found his dad to be guilty and Cam not, since he had no knowledge of the ordeal. He was deemed eligible to play. So far, Auburn (or Cam Newton) hasn’t been found to have done anything wrong in any of this. Of course, if Cam Newton wasn’t the star quarterback that he is, there wouldn’t have been near the hype surrounding this news. But he is, and will most likely take home the Heisman trophy. But this post isn’t about Auburn’s season or Cam Newton. It’s about hate.
So what is it? What makes Auburn so “unlikeable” and Cam so hated by non-Auburn fans? Let’s be honest, would these same people be so upset and vent their anger on Facebook if it was their team? Of course not. In fact, in the case of several schools in the SEC, the same and similar allegations have been made and several are under investigation by the NCAA. I find it hypocritical to the nth degree.
There is clean hate and there is ugly hate. I love football. I mean, I LOVE football. I went to Georgia Tech and am a huge Yellow Jackets fan – win or lose. I don’t hate on my own team and I try not to hate on other teams. …Ok, there is one other team in Georgia I’d rather not win. The Georgia/Georgia Tech rivalry to me is clean, old-fashioned hate. It’s no secret that I don’t like Georgia, but other than the words “To hell with Georgia!” you are not going to see hate written on my wall. After all, these words come from our century-old fight song:
Oh! If I had a daughter, sir, I’d dress her in White and Gold,
And put her on the campus to cheer the brave and bold.
But if I had a son, sir, I’ll tell you what he’d do–
He would yell, ‘To hell with Georgia!’ like his daddy used to do.
I married into an Auburn family. Joe’s dad and aunt both went to Auburn (as well as several other family members) and he was raised in an Auburn home. After the Naval Academy (and his active duty) he graduated from Auburn with his MBA. While he was there he helped coach the swim team and was really involved with Auburn athletics. The things he has told me about the athletic department there is admirable. Joe cheers for the Tigers and celebrates their wins, but doesn’t hate on his team or other teams when they don’t win. Let me say that according to Joe, he has calmed down quite a bit. He has realized that it is just a game. Loyalty means a lot these days when you consider how quickly people give up on their own team or coaches and take out their frustrations on other teams.
It takes too much energy to hate. What are we losing sight of? Seriously, how important is this football game or season in the grand scheme of things? Things change from season to season and we have no guarantees. I am tired of the hate. It’s probably there all the time, but I’m just really seeing it this year because it’s directed towards a team I cheer for. I also have many Facebook friends that are Alabama and Georgia fans – two other SEC schools. I haven’t bothered to comment on any status updates that proclaim hate. It’s not even worth my time. These people should be getting upset about more important things.
I’m getting off my soap box now.
Hannah and Daddy cheering for the Tigers. |
Me cheering the Titans on. (They did not have a good game today.) I was reacting to Hannah’s squeals… |
I agree with you on the haters and people need to get a little class. For instance, I thought it incredibly rude and unbecoming of a gentleman for a 13 yr old boy to approach my oldest two daughters (12 & 8) immediately after church a couple weekends ago and proclaim "SEC CHAMPIONS!" to them.
The "hating" is, unfortunately, very well rounded and is reserved by no team.
Roll Tide.