…That sums up yesterday. Joe has been so overwhelmed in school work and church stuff. He had his first of two doctoral projects due yesterday. His goal was to finish on Thursday (and he did after midnight!) so that we could play on Friday. The weather was promising to be beautiful and we wanted to spend the day together in Brunswick/St. Simons. We drove over to Brunswick and had lunch at our favorite place – ok our favorite burger place – Five Guys. Then we went to Target. (You laugh, but it truly is exciting for us country folk to get to go somewhere other than Super Wal-Mart.) We had a few baby things to buy – and ended up buying alot of baby things. Soft spoons (only sterling so far for our baby!), nipples, formula (we have to buy hypoallergenic), diapers, bibs, etc… We bought coffee and white wine for me, cereal, animal crackers… And Miss Impulse herself – that’s me – had to throw in a cute little sundress for Hannah.
Then we headed to the beach. Hannah’s first time!! It was a gorgeous day – upper 70’s and sunny with a nice breeze. We parked the car, strapped Hannah in the B.O.B. and walked down to the water. We put her little feet in the water and….COLD! She was definitely surprised, and didn’t like it too much I might add. But she LOVED the sand. She was fascinated by the feeling under her feet and between her toes. Then, after a little bit, she and Daddy tried the water again and this time she liked it. We walked down the beach and back and played on a blanket…and took lots of pictures. So fun. It was a great day. To top it all off, when we got home Joe made a delicious dinner of fresh crab puttanesca salad in halved melons with a dill cucumber salad. Perfect end… Here are *a few* of the pictures. (Oh, and we filmed a couple videos. Once I figure out our high-tech Handycam we will post some good ones.) Enjoy!
ben says
Great pics guys! Looks like a great day – Hannah is into new things daily!
Katie says
Looks like the best day ever!!! What fun!!
Keri Sullivan Ninness says
Lindsey! Just found your blog and MELTED over the pick of Joe holding Hannah on his shoulder. Priceless pictures. Your family is beautiful!